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ADS President

Published on 3/13/2020

Dear ADS Members,

We join the organizers of the Southern Pines CDE, Black Prong CAC CT & DT, and Windsor Trace CDE and CT in deep disappointment at the notice that they’ve canceled their 2020 ADS-Recognized Events that fall within the next 30 days. We support the organizers’ choices and appreciate their reflection on and evaluation of the safety to the drivers, officials, and volunteers involved in their events. Southern Pines CDE was the location of the ADS North American Preliminary & Intermediate Championships in 2020, and this was to be a big retirement party for the organizers, as well as the location of the ADS Spring Board Meeting (which will now be held via teleconference).

The Board and staff of the ADS are monitoring the situation on the COVID-19 Pandemic as it relates to the safety of our members. The ADS encourages you to stay home if you are sick and to follow regulations put in place by your State and Local Governments.

The ADS recommends that ADS Member Clubs limit large social gatherings and food services at events, restrict attendance to essential personnel, provide stocked handwashing and hand sanitizing facilities, and enact regular cleaning and sanitizing procedures for common areas and restrooms.

Organizers of ADS-Recognized Events, as well as ADS-Member Club Events, should assess the risk based on conditions in their geographic area and make responsible decisions for their drivers, volunteers, officials, and members.

I hope you are able to find time to get outside and enjoy driving.

Daniel M. Rosenthal
ADS President
WE are the ADS!!!